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A photo that overlooks all of the students and student organizations at Blizzard Bash



学生组织 在九州体育博彩bet9的九州体育博彩bet9中扮演着至关重要的角色, engaging thousands of students in a variety of valuable experiences and relationships. The 学生组织 Team is here to promote student involvement and support our student leaders in achieving organizational and personal goals. 本网站为所有组织和学生提供资源. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 Argo Pulse, our online involvement portal (use UWF ArgoNet Login), the dedicated sites for Sport Clubs and Fraternity & Sorority Life, as well as the departmental websites affiliated with our many Departmental 学生组织.



  • 全年开放.
  • Closes during the Summer between May 5th, 2023 at 5pm until July 3rd, 2023 at 7:59am
  • Closes during the Winter between January 5th, 2024 at 5pm until January 15th at 7:59am


  • 2023年4月3日上午8点开放- 2023年5月5日下午5点关闭
  • 2023年7月3日上午8点开放- 2023年8月18日下午5点关闭


  • ArgoPalooza参与博览会,2023年8月25日
  • Registration opens July 3rd, 2023 at 8am - Closes August 18th, 2023 at 5pm

SOLD Workshop:

  • 2023年8月28日下午4点至7点 


  • 学生参与博览会,2024年1月23日
  • Registration opens December 1st, 2023 at 8am- Closes January 5th, 2024 at 5pm


  • Applications for the 2024 学生参与奖 will open in November 1st, 2023年上午8点,将于3月1日关闭, 2024 at 5pm.
  • 申请表格可于 Argo Pulse



两者的区别是什么 registering and re-registering 一个组织?

If an 组织是新的 and has not existed on campus in the past, the students involved with 该组织 will need to register 该组织.  If you are not sure if 该组织 you want to start has been on campus in the past, email studentorgs@globaloliveoil.com 他们可以提供帮助. 

If you are registering 一个新的组织, or if you are a returning organization that missed the deadline to have their organization automatically added to the new Argo Pulse system, 请阅读并遵循下面的注册新组织部分.

所有当前和以前的注册学生组织(RSO)将会 re-register their organization each academic year to receive the benefits that come along with being registered.

If you are re-registering 你的组织, 该组织将于4月3日进入过渡时期, 2023,您将按照下面的组织更新部分进行操作.

任何组织都不能 re-register by the end of the Registration/Re-registration Period will lose their registered status until they renew during the next Registration/Renewal period.



Students wishing to start and register a new student organization will need the following prior to completing the 阿尔戈脉冲配准:

  • At least five students willing to participate as members and officers of 该组织. 注意,学生必须满足 学生干部资格 担任军官的标准.
  • A full-time UWF faculty or professional staff member who has agreed to serve as the Faculty/Staff Advisor.
  • 组织的政策, processes, and bylaws, 包括会员要求, 官员职位及甄选, 常务委员会, etc.
  • 更新的宪法. University regulations require student groups to include specific hazing prevention language and other terms and warranties in their constitution. 为了帮助完成这个过程,我们创建了一个 学生组织章程样本 这提供了所需的语言.


注册在整个学年开放,有两个截止日期.. 登录Argo Pulse,您将看到一个“新注册表格”。, 一旦您提交了包含所有必要信息的表单, the Student Involvement Coordinator will revise it and either approve it or contact the student for them to make any necessary changes. 



  1. 一旦您获得上述所有信息并开放注册, Go to Argo Pulse and on the main page, select Forms, then search or locate Organization Registration. 填写并提交表格.
  2. 一旦提交,表格就会送到你的指导老师那里. 一旦指导老师批准了注册请求, 有关资料将送交学生组织小组审阅. 如果提交的宪法不符合标准, 或者其他必需的步骤没有正确完成, 学生组织团队可以拒绝该组织的申请. 该组织可重新提交表格, 顾问将不得不再次审查和批准请求. 
  3. 如果表格中的所有信息看起来都是合适的, the form will be approved and 你的组织 will have met the 1st requirement of becoming a student organization.

SOLD Workshop

The second requirement to become registered on campus is to have two officers complete the SOLD workshop.

In-person  SOLD workshop will be available during the second Monday of each semester.


4月1日,Argo Pulse中的所有组织将进入过渡阶段. This is done annually and allows organizations a chance to learn about new policies and procedures and make sure all the information in Argo Pulse is accurate.


  1. A current officer with Admin access will go into their organization's portal, click the pencil in the top right corner to update 该组织’s information. 官员和成员名册, 教职员工/顾问, and continued agreement to follow relevant University policies will need to be updated and completed. Keep in mind that your portal should be as up-to-date and detailed as possible. This process also determines which students will have access to the EMS Reservations system and other relevant processes.
  2. 一旦信息被更新和提交, 该表格将被发送给表格上列出的组织顾问. The advisor will review the information that has been provided by the officer. 一旦指导老师审阅了信息, they will either a) deny the request and let the member know of the updates needed to be made before they approve the request, 或者b)批准请求.
  3. 一旦指导老师批准了注册请求, 有关资料将送交学生组织小组审阅. 如果提交的宪法不符合标准, 或者其他必需的步骤没有正确完成, 学生组织团队可以拒绝该组织的申请. 该组织可重新提交表格, 顾问将不得不再次审查和批准请求.
  4. 如果表格中的所有信息看起来都是合适的, the form will be approved and 你的组织 will have met the 1st renewal requirement.

SOLD Workshop

The second requirement to be registered on campus is to have two officers complete the SOLD workshop.

In-person and online SOLD workshops will be available during the first week of the semester.

Once both officers have completed the SOLD workshop and the Argo Pulse renewal is fully approved, 学生组织将在本学年全部注册.


九州体育博彩bet9的学生有自由结社的权利, to form and join groups/organizations to pursue a variety of purposes with or without recognition by the University. However, you must have registered status in order to receive those benefits such as; use of an Argo Pulse Portal, access to EMS, 下面列出了更多.

  • 能够预订大学设施, including building rooms and grounds at no cost or significantly reduced costs.
  • Eligibility to request Activity and Service Fee funds through the Student Government Association on an annual basis.
  • 通过专业人士在学生参与方面提供支持和指导.
  • Eligibility to participate in University or departmental sponsored student organization fairs and other promotional events.
  • Use of Argo Pulse for internal and external organization management, communication, and promotion.
  • 一个特定于您的组织的Argonet帐户(提供@uwf).Edu(电邮地址).
  • Eligibility to participate in a variety of programming offered through Student Involvement.

所有组织都必须遵守所有政策, procedures, terms, 和学生参与规定的条件. 组织也必须遵守 学生行为准则. 如有任何问题或疑虑,请联系 studentorgs@globaloliveoil.com.